Web Service: EDN
General description
The Envoi du Net webservice provides shipment label creation, to be integrated in your IT systems, coding skills are required to complete the integration. The goal is to abstract the differences between shipping carriers and provide a unified interface to ship packages.
The webservice is using the request-response model and uses the SOAP technology and HTTP requests.
Available methods
Shipment label creation
Given the physical data of the package (weight, dimensions, ...), the geographical data (origin and destination addresses) and the shipping company data, the webservice sends back a PDF label and a tracking number.
Given the physical data of the package (weight, dimensions, ...) and the geographical data (origin and destination addresses), the webservice sends back a detailed quotation for every available shipping carrier.
Package tracking
Given the package tracking number, the webservice sends back the shipment tracking history.
Description générale du service
Le webservice Envoi du Net est destiné à l'automatisation de la création d'étiquettes, pour intégration dans un système informatique. Une compétence de développement est nécessaire pour réaliser l'intégration. L'objectif est d'abstraire les différences entre les différents transporteurs et de proposer une interface unifiée pour l'expédition de colis.
Le service utilise le modèle de requête-réponse, et s'appuie sur la technologie SOAP. Toutes les opérations sont donc faites par appels HTTP.
Opérations disponibles
Création d'étiquette
A partir des données physiques du colis (poids, dimensions, ...), géographiques (adresse d'origine et d'arrivée), et du transporteur, le service renvoie un lien vers une étiquette au format PDF, ainsi que le numéro de suivi du colis.
A partir des données physiques du colis (poids, dimensions, ...) et géographiques (adresse d'origine et d'arrivée), le service renvoie une cotation détaillée pour chaque transporteur disponible vers cette destination.
Suivi du colis
A partir du numéro de suivi du colis ou de la référence client, le service renvoie l'historique de suivi du colis.
Exemples de schémas d'intégration pour création d'étiquettes
Branchement direct du site
Branchement logisticien
Code samples
PHP example
$client = new SoapClient('http://api.envoidunet.com/?wsdl');
$login = new stdClass();
$login->api_account = 'API_ACCOUNT';
$login->api_key = 'API_KEY';
$params = new stdClass();
$params->reference = 'MY_REFERENCE';
$params->value = 100;
$params->carrier = 'fedex';
$params->format = 'A6';
$params->from = new stdClass();
$params->from->company = 'Envoi du Net';
$params->from->firstname = 'Jane';
$params->from->lastname = 'Doe';
$params->from->address1 = '21 allée des Métallos';
$params->from->postcode = '06700';
$params->from->city = 'Saint Laurent du Var';
$params->from->country = 'FR';
$params->from->email = 'test@envoidunet.com';
$params->from->phone = '0123456789';
$params->to = new stdClass();
$params->to->firstname = 'John';
$params->to->lastname = 'Doe';
$params->to->address1 = '21 teststrasse';
$params->to->postcode = '10115';
$params->to->city = 'Berlin';
$params->to->country = 'DE';
$params->to->email = 'client@envoidunet.com';
$params->to->phone = '0123456789';
$package = new stdClass();
$package->weight = 5;
$product = new stdClass();
$product->name = 'Test product';
$product->price = 10;
$product->qty = 1;
$product->weight = 5;
$package->products = array($product);
$params->packages = array($package);
try {
$result = $client->createShipment($login, $params);
if ($result['error']->error_id > 0) {
$error = $result['error'];
$message = $error->error_message;
$message .= isset($error->error_description) ? ' ('.$error->error_description.')' : '';
echo $message."\n";
} catch (SoapFault $e) {
echo $e->getMessage()."\n";
Python 3 example
from zeep import Client
client = Client('http://api.envoidunet.com/?wsdl')
login = {
'api_account': 'ENVOIDUNET_API_ACCOUNT',
'api_key': 'ENVOIDUNET_API_KEY',
product = {'name': 'Test product', 'price': 18.80, 'qty': 2, 'weight': 0.50}
product_type = client.get_type('ns0:productType')
productObj = product_type(**product)
array_of_products_type = client.get_type('ns0:arrayOfProducts')
productsObj = array_of_products_type([productObj])
package_type = client.get_type('ns0:packageType')
packageObj = package_type(weight=0.50, products=productsObj)
array_of_packages_type = client.get_type('ns0:arrayOfPackages')
packagesObj = array_of_packages_type([packageObj])
params = {
'reference': 'MY_REFERENCE',
'value': 37.6,
'carrier': 'fedex',
'format': 'A6',
'from': {
'company': 'Envoi du Net',
'firstname': 'Jane',
'lastname': 'Doe',
'address1': u'21 allée des Métallos',
'postcode': '06700',
'phone': '0123456789',
'city': 'Saint Laurent du Var',
'country': 'FR',
'email': 'test@envoidunet.com',
'to': {
'firstname': 'John',
'lastname': 'Doe',
'address1': '21 teststrasse',
'postcode': '10115',
'city': 'Berlin',
'phone': '0123456789',
'country': 'DE',
'email': 'client@envoidunet.com',
'packages': packagesObj,
result = client.service.createShipment(login, params)
if result.error.error_id > 0:
error = result.error
message = error.error_message
message += (
' (' + error.error_description + ')'
if error.error_description
else ''
except Exception as e:
Ruby example
require 'savon'
require 'pp'
client = Savon.client(wsdl: "http://api.envoidunet.com/?wsdl", convert_request_keys_to: :none, log: false)
login = {
api_account: 'API_ACCOUNT',
api_key: 'API_KEY'
params = {
reference: 'MY_REFERENCE',
value: 37.6,
carrier: 'fedex',
format: 'A6',
from: {
company: 'Envoi du Net',
firstname: 'Jane',
lastname: 'Doe',
address1: '21 allée des Métallos',
postcode: '06700',
phone: '0123456789',
city: 'Saint Laurent du Var',
country: 'FR',
email: 'test@envoidunet.com'
to: {
firstname: 'John',
lastname: 'Doe',
address1: '21 teststrasse',
postcode: '10115',
city: 'Berlin',
phone: '0123456789',
country: 'DE',
email: 'client@envoidunet.com'
packages: {
package: [
weight: 5,
products: {
product: [
name: "Test product",
price: 18.80,
qty: 2,
weight: 0.50
response = client.call(:create_shipment, message: {login: login, params: params})
error = response.body[:create_shipment_response][:error]
if error[:error_id].to_i > 0
message = error[:error_message]
message += " (#{error[:error_description]})" if error.has?(:error_description)
puts message
response = response.body[:create_shipment_response][:response]
pp response
rescue Exception => e
puts e.message
- cancelPickupDescription:Cancel a pickupInput:cancelPickupIn (s:body, use = encoded)login type loginType
- api_account type string
- api_key type string
params type cancelPickupRequest- id type int
Output:cancelPickupOut (s:body, use = encoded)error type errorType- error_id type intError id, 0 means everything went right, > 0 means an error occurred
- error_message type string
- error_description - optional; type stringAdditional optional description
- error_severity_level type intReserved for future use
- error_severity_message type stringReserved for future use
response type cancelPickupResponse - createPickupDescription:Create a pickupInput:createPickupIn (s:body, use = encoded)login type loginType
- api_account type string
- api_key type string
params type createPickupRequest- carrier type enumCarrierType - type string with restriction - enum { 'amazon_one_day', 'b2c_europe', 'chronopost', 'chronopost18', 'chronopostinternational', 'chronopostpro', 'chronopostpro_18', 'chronopost_2shop', 'chronopost_air_classic', 'chronopost_classic', 'chronopost_express', 'chronopost_medical', 'chronopost_retour', 'chronorelais', 'chronorelais_18', 'ciblex', 'coliposte', 'colisprive', 'colisprive_relais', 'colisprive_signature', 'colisprive_store', 'colisprive_store_relais', 'colisprive_store_signature', 'colissimo_access', 'colissimo_dom', 'colissimo_eco', 'colissimo_expert', 'colissimo_inter', 'colissimo_profil', 'colissimo_relais', 'colissimo_retour', 'dachser_targoflex', 'delivengo_non_suivi', 'delivengo_suivi', 'dhl', 'dhl_eco', 'dhl_express_12', 'dhl_express_9', 'dhl_france', 'dhl_global_mail', 'dhl_global_mail_registered', 'dhl_paket', 'dhl_spain', 'dpd', 'dpd_b2b', 'dpd_b2b_mono', 'dpd_relay', 'fedex', 'fedexeco', 'fedexeco_freight_mono', 'fedexeco_freight_multi', 'fedex_ficp', 'fedex_france', 'fedex_freight_mono', 'fedex_freight_multi', 'france_express', 'france_express_b2b', 'geodis', 'gls', 'gls_b2b', 'imx', 'kiala', 'kuehne', 'lettre_max', 'lettre_max_yourstore', 'lettre_verte_suivie', 'mondialrelay', 'mondialrelay_home', 'mondialrelay_locker', 'mondialrelay_relay', 'mondialrelay_xl', 'relaiscolis', 'relaiscolis_c2c', 'sda', 'sda_cod', 'tnt_express', 'tnt_express_b2b', 'ups_economy_mono_relay', 'ups_economy_multi_relay', 'ups_economy_relay', 'ups_express', 'ups_express_relay', 'ups_express_saver', 'ups_express_saver_relay', 'ups_standard', 'ups_standard_mono', 'ups_standard_mono_relay', 'ups_standard_multi', 'ups_standard_multi_relay', 'ups_standard_relay', 'standard', 'express', 'relay', 'international', 'internationaleco', 'expresspro', 'best_price' }
- date type date
- min_hour type time
- max_hour type time
- address type addressType
- company - optional; type string
- firstname - optional; type string
- lastname - optional; type string
- address1 type string
- address2 - optional; type string
- address3 - optional; type string
- postcode type string
- city type string
- state - optional; type string2-letter state code, required for US and Canada
- country type string2-letter country ISO code
- phone - optional; type string
- email type string
- package_count - optional; type int
- total_weight - optional; type decimalTotal weight of the packages, in kilograms
Output:createPickupOut (s:body, use = encoded)error type errorType- error_id type intError id, 0 means everything went right, > 0 means an error occurred
- error_message type string
- error_description - optional; type stringAdditional optional description
- error_severity_level type intReserved for future use
- error_severity_message type stringReserved for future use
response type createPickupResponse- id type int
- reservation_number type string
- pdf - optional; type stringUrl of the PDF pickup slip
- createReturnDescription:Create a returnInput:createReturnIn (s:body, use = encoded)login type loginType
- api_account type string
- api_key type string
params type createReturnRequest- reference type stringUnique reference of the shipment. Can be an order id, an internal reference or whatever you want.
- value type decimalTotal value of the shipment, used in international shipments
- carrier type enumCarrierType - type string with restriction - enum { 'amazon_one_day', 'b2c_europe', 'chronopost', 'chronopost18', 'chronopostinternational', 'chronopostpro', 'chronopostpro_18', 'chronopost_2shop', 'chronopost_air_classic', 'chronopost_classic', 'chronopost_express', 'chronopost_medical', 'chronopost_retour', 'chronorelais', 'chronorelais_18', 'ciblex', 'coliposte', 'colisprive', 'colisprive_relais', 'colisprive_signature', 'colisprive_store', 'colisprive_store_relais', 'colisprive_store_signature', 'colissimo_access', 'colissimo_dom', 'colissimo_eco', 'colissimo_expert', 'colissimo_inter', 'colissimo_profil', 'colissimo_relais', 'colissimo_retour', 'dachser_targoflex', 'delivengo_non_suivi', 'delivengo_suivi', 'dhl', 'dhl_eco', 'dhl_express_12', 'dhl_express_9', 'dhl_france', 'dhl_global_mail', 'dhl_global_mail_registered', 'dhl_paket', 'dhl_spain', 'dpd', 'dpd_b2b', 'dpd_b2b_mono', 'dpd_relay', 'fedex', 'fedexeco', 'fedexeco_freight_mono', 'fedexeco_freight_multi', 'fedex_ficp', 'fedex_france', 'fedex_freight_mono', 'fedex_freight_multi', 'france_express', 'france_express_b2b', 'geodis', 'gls', 'gls_b2b', 'imx', 'kiala', 'kuehne', 'lettre_max', 'lettre_max_yourstore', 'lettre_verte_suivie', 'mondialrelay', 'mondialrelay_home', 'mondialrelay_locker', 'mondialrelay_relay', 'mondialrelay_xl', 'relaiscolis', 'relaiscolis_c2c', 'sda', 'sda_cod', 'tnt_express', 'tnt_express_b2b', 'ups_economy_mono_relay', 'ups_economy_multi_relay', 'ups_economy_relay', 'ups_express', 'ups_express_relay', 'ups_express_saver', 'ups_express_saver_relay', 'ups_standard', 'ups_standard_mono', 'ups_standard_mono_relay', 'ups_standard_multi', 'ups_standard_multi_relay', 'ups_standard_relay', 'standard', 'express', 'relay', 'international', 'internationaleco', 'expresspro', 'best_price' }Carrier
- format type enumFormatType - type string with restriction - enum { 'A4', 'A6', '11x15', '10x16', '10x15', '8x12', '8x11', '11x8', '10x8' }Label format
- documents - optional; type booleanIf the shipment is documents (no commercial value), default 0
- dangerous - optional; type booleanIf the package contains dangerous goods
- relay_id - optional; type stringMandatory when using a relay carrier
- from type addressType
- company - optional; type string
- firstname - optional; type string
- lastname - optional; type string
- address1 type string
- address2 - optional; type string
- address3 - optional; type string
- postcode type string
- city type string
- state - optional; type string2-letter state code, required for US and Canada
- country type string2-letter country ISO code
- phone - optional; type string
- email type string
- to type addressType
- company - optional; type string
- firstname - optional; type string
- lastname - optional; type string
- address1 type string
- address2 - optional; type string
- address3 - optional; type string
- postcode type string
- city type string
- state - optional; type string2-letter state code, required for US and Canada
- country type string2-letter country ISO code
- phone - optional; type string
- email type string
- packages type arrayOfPackages - array of type packageType
- quantity - optional; type decimalHow many packages of this type are there, defaults to 1 if left empty.
- weight type decimalWeight of the package in kilograms
- length - optional; type decimalLength of the package in centimeters
- height - optional; type decimalHeight of the package in centimeters
- width - optional; type decimalWidth of the package in centimeters
- insurance - optional; type decimalShipment value if you want additional insurance
- products type arrayOfProducts - array of type productType
- name type stringName of the product
- hscode - optional; type stringCustoms tariff code, see https://www.hscodes.io/hs-codes
- country_orig - optional; type string2-letter country ISO code
- price type decimalUnit price in €
- qty type decimalQuantity
- weight type decimalWeight of the product in kilograms
Products details for customs declarations - name type string
- quantity - optional; type decimal
Output:createReturnOut (s:body, use = encoded)error type errorType- error_id type intError id, 0 means everything went right, > 0 means an error occurred
- error_message type string
- error_description - optional; type stringAdditional optional description
- error_severity_level type intReserved for future use
- error_severity_message type stringReserved for future use
response type createReturnResponse- price - optional; type decimalReserved for future use
- pdf type stringUrl of the merged PDF labels
- cn23 - optional; type stringUrl of the merged CN23 forms if applicable
- shipments type arrayOfShipments - array of type shipmentType
- service type enumServiceType - type string with restriction - enum { 'express', 'expresspro', 'postal', 'relay', 'standard', 'international', 'internationaleco' }
- service_name type string
- carrier type enumCarrierType - type string with restriction - enum { 'amazon_one_day', 'b2c_europe', 'chronopost', 'chronopost18', 'chronopostinternational', 'chronopostpro', 'chronopostpro_18', 'chronopost_2shop', 'chronopost_air_classic', 'chronopost_classic', 'chronopost_express', 'chronopost_medical', 'chronopost_retour', 'chronorelais', 'chronorelais_18', 'ciblex', 'coliposte', 'colisprive', 'colisprive_relais', 'colisprive_signature', 'colisprive_store', 'colisprive_store_relais', 'colisprive_store_signature', 'colissimo_access', 'colissimo_dom', 'colissimo_eco', 'colissimo_expert', 'colissimo_inter', 'colissimo_profil', 'colissimo_relais', 'colissimo_retour', 'dachser_targoflex', 'delivengo_non_suivi', 'delivengo_suivi', 'dhl', 'dhl_eco', 'dhl_express_12', 'dhl_express_9', 'dhl_france', 'dhl_global_mail', 'dhl_global_mail_registered', 'dhl_paket', 'dhl_spain', 'dpd', 'dpd_b2b', 'dpd_b2b_mono', 'dpd_relay', 'fedex', 'fedexeco', 'fedexeco_freight_mono', 'fedexeco_freight_multi', 'fedex_ficp', 'fedex_france', 'fedex_freight_mono', 'fedex_freight_multi', 'france_express', 'france_express_b2b', 'geodis', 'gls', 'gls_b2b', 'imx', 'kiala', 'kuehne', 'lettre_max', 'lettre_max_yourstore', 'lettre_verte_suivie', 'mondialrelay', 'mondialrelay_home', 'mondialrelay_locker', 'mondialrelay_relay', 'mondialrelay_xl', 'relaiscolis', 'relaiscolis_c2c', 'sda', 'sda_cod', 'tnt_express', 'tnt_express_b2b', 'ups_economy_mono_relay', 'ups_economy_multi_relay', 'ups_economy_relay', 'ups_express', 'ups_express_relay', 'ups_express_saver', 'ups_express_saver_relay', 'ups_standard', 'ups_standard_mono', 'ups_standard_mono_relay', 'ups_standard_multi', 'ups_standard_multi_relay', 'ups_standard_relay', 'standard', 'express', 'relay', 'international', 'internationaleco', 'expresspro', 'best_price' }
- carrier_name type string
- carrier_logo type string
- price type decimalReserved for future use
- reference type string
- receiver_company type string
- receiver_name type string
- receiver_email type string
- receiver_country type string
- receiver_city type string
- receiver_postcode type string
- weight type decimal
- trackingnumber type string
- master type stringMaster tracking number, can be different from the tracking number in case of multiple packages
- tracking_events type arrayOfTrackingEvents - array of type trackingEventType
- status type string
- date type dateTime
- location type string
- code - optional; type stringReserved for future use
- barcodes - optional; type arrayOfBarcodes - array of type string
- pdf type stringUrl of the PDF label
- pdf_contents - optional; type base64BinaryBase64 encoded PDF label contents
- zpl - optional; type stringUrl of the ZPL label
- dpl - optional; type stringUrl of the DPL label
- epl2 - optional; type stringUrl of the EPL2 label
- cn23 - optional; type stringUrl of the CN23 form if applicable
- status type string
- is_shipped - optional; type boolean
- shipped_at - optional; type dateTime
- is_delivered - optional; type boolean
- delivered_at - optional; type dateTime
- created_at type dateTime
- createShipmentDescription:Create a shipmentInput:createShipmentIn (s:body, use = encoded)login type loginType
- api_account type string
- api_key type string
params type createShipmentRequest- reference type stringUnique reference of the shipment. Can be an order id, an internal reference or whatever you want.
- invoice - optional; type base64BinaryBase64 encoded invoice, if the carrier has the paperless option, max 1MB
- value type decimalTotal value of the shipment, used in international shipments
- currency - optional; type stringCurrency ISO 4217 code, default: EUR
- carrier type enumCarrierType - type string with restriction - enum { 'amazon_one_day', 'b2c_europe', 'chronopost', 'chronopost18', 'chronopostinternational', 'chronopostpro', 'chronopostpro_18', 'chronopost_2shop', 'chronopost_air_classic', 'chronopost_classic', 'chronopost_express', 'chronopost_medical', 'chronopost_retour', 'chronorelais', 'chronorelais_18', 'ciblex', 'coliposte', 'colisprive', 'colisprive_relais', 'colisprive_signature', 'colisprive_store', 'colisprive_store_relais', 'colisprive_store_signature', 'colissimo_access', 'colissimo_dom', 'colissimo_eco', 'colissimo_expert', 'colissimo_inter', 'colissimo_profil', 'colissimo_relais', 'colissimo_retour', 'dachser_targoflex', 'delivengo_non_suivi', 'delivengo_suivi', 'dhl', 'dhl_eco', 'dhl_express_12', 'dhl_express_9', 'dhl_france', 'dhl_global_mail', 'dhl_global_mail_registered', 'dhl_paket', 'dhl_spain', 'dpd', 'dpd_b2b', 'dpd_b2b_mono', 'dpd_relay', 'fedex', 'fedexeco', 'fedexeco_freight_mono', 'fedexeco_freight_multi', 'fedex_ficp', 'fedex_france', 'fedex_freight_mono', 'fedex_freight_multi', 'france_express', 'france_express_b2b', 'geodis', 'gls', 'gls_b2b', 'imx', 'kiala', 'kuehne', 'lettre_max', 'lettre_max_yourstore', 'lettre_verte_suivie', 'mondialrelay', 'mondialrelay_home', 'mondialrelay_locker', 'mondialrelay_relay', 'mondialrelay_xl', 'relaiscolis', 'relaiscolis_c2c', 'sda', 'sda_cod', 'tnt_express', 'tnt_express_b2b', 'ups_economy_mono_relay', 'ups_economy_multi_relay', 'ups_economy_relay', 'ups_express', 'ups_express_relay', 'ups_express_saver', 'ups_express_saver_relay', 'ups_standard', 'ups_standard_mono', 'ups_standard_mono_relay', 'ups_standard_multi', 'ups_standard_multi_relay', 'ups_standard_relay', 'standard', 'express', 'relay', 'international', 'internationaleco', 'expresspro', 'best_price' }Carrier
- carrier_options - optional; type carrierOptionsType
- saturday - optional; type boolean
- return - optional; type boolean
- insurance - optional; type boolean
- paperless - optional; type boolean
- dangerous - optional; type boolean
- pallet - optional; type boolean
- ondemand - optional; type boolean
Carrier specific options - format type enumFormatType - type string with restriction - enum { 'A4', 'A6', '11x15', '10x16', '10x15', '8x12', '8x11', '11x8', '10x8' }Label format
- resize - optional; type booleanResize labels to format size
- pod - optional; type booleanIf a proof of delivery is required
- documents - optional; type booleanIf the shipment is documents (no commercial value), default 0
- cod - optional; type booleanIf cash on delivery is required
- dangerous - optional; type booleanIf the package contains dangerous goods
- relay_id - optional; type stringMandatory when using a relay carrier
- from type addressType
- company - optional; type string
- firstname - optional; type string
- lastname - optional; type string
- address1 type string
- address2 - optional; type string
- address3 - optional; type string
- postcode type string
- city type string
- state - optional; type string2-letter state code, required for US and Canada
- country type string2-letter country ISO code
- phone - optional; type string
- email type string
- to type addressType
- company - optional; type string
- firstname - optional; type string
- lastname - optional; type string
- address1 type string
- address2 - optional; type string
- address3 - optional; type string
- postcode type string
- city type string
- state - optional; type string2-letter state code, required for US and Canada
- country type string2-letter country ISO code
- phone - optional; type string
- email type string
- packages type arrayOfPackages - array of type packageType
- quantity - optional; type decimalHow many packages of this type are there, defaults to 1 if left empty.
- weight type decimalWeight of the package in kilograms
- length - optional; type decimalLength of the package in centimeters
- height - optional; type decimalHeight of the package in centimeters
- width - optional; type decimalWidth of the package in centimeters
- insurance - optional; type decimalShipment value if you want additional insurance
- products type arrayOfProducts - array of type productType
- name type stringName of the product
- hscode - optional; type stringCustoms tariff code, see https://www.hscodes.io/hs-codes
- country_orig - optional; type string2-letter country ISO code
- price type decimalUnit price in €
- qty type decimalQuantity
- weight type decimalWeight of the product in kilograms
Products details for customs declarations - name type string
- quantity - optional; type decimal
Output:createShipmentOut (s:body, use = encoded)error type errorType- error_id type intError id, 0 means everything went right, > 0 means an error occurred
- error_message type string
- error_description - optional; type stringAdditional optional description
- error_severity_level type intReserved for future use
- error_severity_message type stringReserved for future use
response type createShipmentResponse- price - optional; type decimalReserved for future use
- pdf type stringUrl of the merged PDF labels
- cn23 - optional; type stringUrl of the merged CN23 forms if applicable
- shipments type arrayOfShipments - array of type shipmentType
- service type enumServiceType - type string with restriction - enum { 'express', 'expresspro', 'postal', 'relay', 'standard', 'international', 'internationaleco' }
- service_name type string
- carrier type enumCarrierType - type string with restriction - enum { 'amazon_one_day', 'b2c_europe', 'chronopost', 'chronopost18', 'chronopostinternational', 'chronopostpro', 'chronopostpro_18', 'chronopost_2shop', 'chronopost_air_classic', 'chronopost_classic', 'chronopost_express', 'chronopost_medical', 'chronopost_retour', 'chronorelais', 'chronorelais_18', 'ciblex', 'coliposte', 'colisprive', 'colisprive_relais', 'colisprive_signature', 'colisprive_store', 'colisprive_store_relais', 'colisprive_store_signature', 'colissimo_access', 'colissimo_dom', 'colissimo_eco', 'colissimo_expert', 'colissimo_inter', 'colissimo_profil', 'colissimo_relais', 'colissimo_retour', 'dachser_targoflex', 'delivengo_non_suivi', 'delivengo_suivi', 'dhl', 'dhl_eco', 'dhl_express_12', 'dhl_express_9', 'dhl_france', 'dhl_global_mail', 'dhl_global_mail_registered', 'dhl_paket', 'dhl_spain', 'dpd', 'dpd_b2b', 'dpd_b2b_mono', 'dpd_relay', 'fedex', 'fedexeco', 'fedexeco_freight_mono', 'fedexeco_freight_multi', 'fedex_ficp', 'fedex_france', 'fedex_freight_mono', 'fedex_freight_multi', 'france_express', 'france_express_b2b', 'geodis', 'gls', 'gls_b2b', 'imx', 'kiala', 'kuehne', 'lettre_max', 'lettre_max_yourstore', 'lettre_verte_suivie', 'mondialrelay', 'mondialrelay_home', 'mondialrelay_locker', 'mondialrelay_relay', 'mondialrelay_xl', 'relaiscolis', 'relaiscolis_c2c', 'sda', 'sda_cod', 'tnt_express', 'tnt_express_b2b', 'ups_economy_mono_relay', 'ups_economy_multi_relay', 'ups_economy_relay', 'ups_express', 'ups_express_relay', 'ups_express_saver', 'ups_express_saver_relay', 'ups_standard', 'ups_standard_mono', 'ups_standard_mono_relay', 'ups_standard_multi', 'ups_standard_multi_relay', 'ups_standard_relay', 'standard', 'express', 'relay', 'international', 'internationaleco', 'expresspro', 'best_price' }
- carrier_name type string
- carrier_logo type string
- price type decimalReserved for future use
- reference type string
- receiver_company type string
- receiver_name type string
- receiver_email type string
- receiver_country type string
- receiver_city type string
- receiver_postcode type string
- weight type decimal
- trackingnumber type string
- master type stringMaster tracking number, can be different from the tracking number in case of multiple packages
- tracking_events type arrayOfTrackingEvents - array of type trackingEventType
- status type string
- date type dateTime
- location type string
- code - optional; type stringReserved for future use
- barcodes - optional; type arrayOfBarcodes - array of type string
- pdf type stringUrl of the PDF label
- pdf_contents - optional; type base64BinaryBase64 encoded PDF label contents
- zpl - optional; type stringUrl of the ZPL label
- dpl - optional; type stringUrl of the DPL label
- epl2 - optional; type stringUrl of the EPL2 label
- cn23 - optional; type stringUrl of the CN23 form if applicable
- status type string
- is_shipped - optional; type boolean
- shipped_at - optional; type dateTime
- is_delivered - optional; type boolean
- delivered_at - optional; type dateTime
- created_at type dateTime
- findRelaysDescription:Geographic relay searchInput:findRelaysIn (s:body, use = encoded)login type loginType
- api_account type string
- api_key type string
params type findRelaysRequest- carrier type enumCarrierType - type string with restriction - enum { 'amazon_one_day', 'b2c_europe', 'chronopost', 'chronopost18', 'chronopostinternational', 'chronopostpro', 'chronopostpro_18', 'chronopost_2shop', 'chronopost_air_classic', 'chronopost_classic', 'chronopost_express', 'chronopost_medical', 'chronopost_retour', 'chronorelais', 'chronorelais_18', 'ciblex', 'coliposte', 'colisprive', 'colisprive_relais', 'colisprive_signature', 'colisprive_store', 'colisprive_store_relais', 'colisprive_store_signature', 'colissimo_access', 'colissimo_dom', 'colissimo_eco', 'colissimo_expert', 'colissimo_inter', 'colissimo_profil', 'colissimo_relais', 'colissimo_retour', 'dachser_targoflex', 'delivengo_non_suivi', 'delivengo_suivi', 'dhl', 'dhl_eco', 'dhl_express_12', 'dhl_express_9', 'dhl_france', 'dhl_global_mail', 'dhl_global_mail_registered', 'dhl_paket', 'dhl_spain', 'dpd', 'dpd_b2b', 'dpd_b2b_mono', 'dpd_relay', 'fedex', 'fedexeco', 'fedexeco_freight_mono', 'fedexeco_freight_multi', 'fedex_ficp', 'fedex_france', 'fedex_freight_mono', 'fedex_freight_multi', 'france_express', 'france_express_b2b', 'geodis', 'gls', 'gls_b2b', 'imx', 'kiala', 'kuehne', 'lettre_max', 'lettre_max_yourstore', 'lettre_verte_suivie', 'mondialrelay', 'mondialrelay_home', 'mondialrelay_locker', 'mondialrelay_relay', 'mondialrelay_xl', 'relaiscolis', 'relaiscolis_c2c', 'sda', 'sda_cod', 'tnt_express', 'tnt_express_b2b', 'ups_economy_mono_relay', 'ups_economy_multi_relay', 'ups_economy_relay', 'ups_express', 'ups_express_relay', 'ups_express_saver', 'ups_express_saver_relay', 'ups_standard', 'ups_standard_mono', 'ups_standard_mono_relay', 'ups_standard_multi', 'ups_standard_multi_relay', 'ups_standard_relay', 'standard', 'express', 'relay', 'international', 'internationaleco', 'expresspro', 'best_price' }
- country - optional; type string2-letter country ISO code
- postcode - optional; type string
- city - optional; type string
Output:findRelaysOut (s:body, use = encoded)error type errorType- error_id type intError id, 0 means everything went right, > 0 means an error occurred
- error_message type string
- error_description - optional; type stringAdditional optional description
- error_severity_level type intReserved for future use
- error_severity_message type stringReserved for future use
response type findRelaysResponse- relays - optional; type arrayOfRelays - array of type relayType
- carrier type enumCarrierType - type string with restriction - enum { 'amazon_one_day', 'b2c_europe', 'chronopost', 'chronopost18', 'chronopostinternational', 'chronopostpro', 'chronopostpro_18', 'chronopost_2shop', 'chronopost_air_classic', 'chronopost_classic', 'chronopost_express', 'chronopost_medical', 'chronopost_retour', 'chronorelais', 'chronorelais_18', 'ciblex', 'coliposte', 'colisprive', 'colisprive_relais', 'colisprive_signature', 'colisprive_store', 'colisprive_store_relais', 'colisprive_store_signature', 'colissimo_access', 'colissimo_dom', 'colissimo_eco', 'colissimo_expert', 'colissimo_inter', 'colissimo_profil', 'colissimo_relais', 'colissimo_retour', 'dachser_targoflex', 'delivengo_non_suivi', 'delivengo_suivi', 'dhl', 'dhl_eco', 'dhl_express_12', 'dhl_express_9', 'dhl_france', 'dhl_global_mail', 'dhl_global_mail_registered', 'dhl_paket', 'dhl_spain', 'dpd', 'dpd_b2b', 'dpd_b2b_mono', 'dpd_relay', 'fedex', 'fedexeco', 'fedexeco_freight_mono', 'fedexeco_freight_multi', 'fedex_ficp', 'fedex_france', 'fedex_freight_mono', 'fedex_freight_multi', 'france_express', 'france_express_b2b', 'geodis', 'gls', 'gls_b2b', 'imx', 'kiala', 'kuehne', 'lettre_max', 'lettre_max_yourstore', 'lettre_verte_suivie', 'mondialrelay', 'mondialrelay_home', 'mondialrelay_locker', 'mondialrelay_relay', 'mondialrelay_xl', 'relaiscolis', 'relaiscolis_c2c', 'sda', 'sda_cod', 'tnt_express', 'tnt_express_b2b', 'ups_economy_mono_relay', 'ups_economy_multi_relay', 'ups_economy_relay', 'ups_express', 'ups_express_relay', 'ups_express_saver', 'ups_express_saver_relay', 'ups_standard', 'ups_standard_mono', 'ups_standard_mono_relay', 'ups_standard_multi', 'ups_standard_multi_relay', 'ups_standard_relay', 'standard', 'express', 'relay', 'international', 'internationaleco', 'expresspro', 'best_price' }
- relay_id type string
- name type string
- address1 type string
- address2 - optional; type string
- address3 - optional; type string
- postcode type string
- city type string
- country type string2-letter country ISO code
- latitude type decimal
- longitude type decimal
- picture - optional; type stringUrl of the relay picture
- openingHours type arrayOfOpeningHours - array of type openingHoursType
- day type intDay of week, 1 is for Monday, 2 for Tuesday, etc
- hours type stringOpening hours as string, eg: 09:00-12:00 14:00-18:00
- day type int
- getCarriersDescription:Get CarriersInput:getCarriersIn (s:body, use = encoded)login type loginType
- api_account type string
- api_key type string
Output:getCarriersOut (s:body, use = encoded)error type errorType- error_id type intError id, 0 means everything went right, > 0 means an error occurred
- error_message type string
- error_description - optional; type stringAdditional optional description
- error_severity_level type intReserved for future use
- error_severity_message type stringReserved for future use
response type getCarriersResponse- carriers type arrayOfCarriers - array of type carrierType
- service type enumServiceType - type string with restriction - enum { 'express', 'expresspro', 'postal', 'relay', 'standard', 'international', 'internationaleco' }
- service_name type string
- carrier type enumCarrierType - type string with restriction - enum { 'amazon_one_day', 'b2c_europe', 'chronopost', 'chronopost18', 'chronopostinternational', 'chronopostpro', 'chronopostpro_18', 'chronopost_2shop', 'chronopost_air_classic', 'chronopost_classic', 'chronopost_express', 'chronopost_medical', 'chronopost_retour', 'chronorelais', 'chronorelais_18', 'ciblex', 'coliposte', 'colisprive', 'colisprive_relais', 'colisprive_signature', 'colisprive_store', 'colisprive_store_relais', 'colisprive_store_signature', 'colissimo_access', 'colissimo_dom', 'colissimo_eco', 'colissimo_expert', 'colissimo_inter', 'colissimo_profil', 'colissimo_relais', 'colissimo_retour', 'dachser_targoflex', 'delivengo_non_suivi', 'delivengo_suivi', 'dhl', 'dhl_eco', 'dhl_express_12', 'dhl_express_9', 'dhl_france', 'dhl_global_mail', 'dhl_global_mail_registered', 'dhl_paket', 'dhl_spain', 'dpd', 'dpd_b2b', 'dpd_b2b_mono', 'dpd_relay', 'fedex', 'fedexeco', 'fedexeco_freight_mono', 'fedexeco_freight_multi', 'fedex_ficp', 'fedex_france', 'fedex_freight_mono', 'fedex_freight_multi', 'france_express', 'france_express_b2b', 'geodis', 'gls', 'gls_b2b', 'imx', 'kiala', 'kuehne', 'lettre_max', 'lettre_max_yourstore', 'lettre_verte_suivie', 'mondialrelay', 'mondialrelay_home', 'mondialrelay_locker', 'mondialrelay_relay', 'mondialrelay_xl', 'relaiscolis', 'relaiscolis_c2c', 'sda', 'sda_cod', 'tnt_express', 'tnt_express_b2b', 'ups_economy_mono_relay', 'ups_economy_multi_relay', 'ups_economy_relay', 'ups_express', 'ups_express_relay', 'ups_express_saver', 'ups_express_saver_relay', 'ups_standard', 'ups_standard_mono', 'ups_standard_mono_relay', 'ups_standard_multi', 'ups_standard_multi_relay', 'ups_standard_relay', 'standard', 'express', 'relay', 'international', 'internationaleco', 'expresspro', 'best_price' }
- carrier_name type string
- carrier_description type string
- carrier_logo type string
- options - optional; type carrierOptionsType
- saturday - optional; type boolean
- return - optional; type boolean
- insurance - optional; type boolean
- paperless - optional; type boolean
- dangerous - optional; type boolean
- pallet - optional; type boolean
- ondemand - optional; type boolean
- getPricingDescription:Get PricingInput:getPricingIn (s:body, use = encoded)login type loginType
- api_account type string
- api_key type string
Output:getPricingOut (s:body, use = encoded)error type errorType- error_id type intError id, 0 means everything went right, > 0 means an error occurred
- error_message type string
- error_description - optional; type stringAdditional optional description
- error_severity_level type intReserved for future use
- error_severity_message type stringReserved for future use
response type getPricingResponse- query_at type int
- zones type arrayOfZones - array of type zoneType
- name type string
- countries type arrayOfCountries - array of type string
- pricing type anyType
- getQuoteDescription:Get QuoteInput:getQuoteIn (s:body, use = encoded)login type loginType
- api_account type string
- api_key type string
params type getQuoteRequest- carrier_options - optional; type carrierOptionsTypeCarrier specific options
- saturday - optional; type boolean
- return - optional; type boolean
- insurance - optional; type boolean
- paperless - optional; type boolean
- dangerous - optional; type boolean
- pallet - optional; type boolean
- ondemand - optional; type boolean
- pod - optional; type booleanIf a proof of delivery is required
- cod - optional; type booleanIf cash on delivery is required
- from - optional; type quoteAddressType
- company - optional; type string
- postcode type string
- city type string
- state - optional; type string2-letter state code, required for US and Canada
- country type string2-letter country ISO code
- to type quoteAddressType
- company - optional; type string
- postcode type string
- city type string
- state - optional; type string2-letter state code, required for US and Canada
- country type string2-letter country ISO code
- packages - optional; type arrayOfQuotePackages - array of type quotePackageTypeWhen requesting a quote for multiple packages, put them here and leave the root-level weight and dimensions empty
- quantity - optional; type decimalHow many packages of this type are there, defaults to 1 if left empty.
- weight type decimalWeight of the package in kilograms
- length - optional; type decimalLength of the package in centimeters
- height - optional; type decimalHeight of the package in centimeters
- width - optional; type decimalWidth of the package in centimeters
- insurance - optional; type decimalShipment value if you want additional insurance
- quantity - optional; type decimal
Output:getQuoteOut (s:body, use = encoded)error type errorType- error_id type intError id, 0 means everything went right, > 0 means an error occurred
- error_message type string
- error_description - optional; type stringAdditional optional description
- error_severity_level type intReserved for future use
- error_severity_message type stringReserved for future use
response type getQuoteResponse- quotes - optional; type arrayOfQuotes - array of type quoteType
- service type enumServiceType - type string with restriction - enum { 'express', 'expresspro', 'postal', 'relay', 'standard', 'international', 'internationaleco' }
- service_name type string
- carrier type enumCarrierType - type string with restriction - enum { 'amazon_one_day', 'b2c_europe', 'chronopost', 'chronopost18', 'chronopostinternational', 'chronopostpro', 'chronopostpro_18', 'chronopost_2shop', 'chronopost_air_classic', 'chronopost_classic', 'chronopost_express', 'chronopost_medical', 'chronopost_retour', 'chronorelais', 'chronorelais_18', 'ciblex', 'coliposte', 'colisprive', 'colisprive_relais', 'colisprive_signature', 'colisprive_store', 'colisprive_store_relais', 'colisprive_store_signature', 'colissimo_access', 'colissimo_dom', 'colissimo_eco', 'colissimo_expert', 'colissimo_inter', 'colissimo_profil', 'colissimo_relais', 'colissimo_retour', 'dachser_targoflex', 'delivengo_non_suivi', 'delivengo_suivi', 'dhl', 'dhl_eco', 'dhl_express_12', 'dhl_express_9', 'dhl_france', 'dhl_global_mail', 'dhl_global_mail_registered', 'dhl_paket', 'dhl_spain', 'dpd', 'dpd_b2b', 'dpd_b2b_mono', 'dpd_relay', 'fedex', 'fedexeco', 'fedexeco_freight_mono', 'fedexeco_freight_multi', 'fedex_ficp', 'fedex_france', 'fedex_freight_mono', 'fedex_freight_multi', 'france_express', 'france_express_b2b', 'geodis', 'gls', 'gls_b2b', 'imx', 'kiala', 'kuehne', 'lettre_max', 'lettre_max_yourstore', 'lettre_verte_suivie', 'mondialrelay', 'mondialrelay_home', 'mondialrelay_locker', 'mondialrelay_relay', 'mondialrelay_xl', 'relaiscolis', 'relaiscolis_c2c', 'sda', 'sda_cod', 'tnt_express', 'tnt_express_b2b', 'ups_economy_mono_relay', 'ups_economy_multi_relay', 'ups_economy_relay', 'ups_express', 'ups_express_relay', 'ups_express_saver', 'ups_express_saver_relay', 'ups_standard', 'ups_standard_mono', 'ups_standard_mono_relay', 'ups_standard_multi', 'ups_standard_multi_relay', 'ups_standard_relay', 'standard', 'express', 'relay', 'international', 'internationaleco', 'expresspro', 'best_price' }
- carrier_name type stringFull carrier name
- carrier_description - optional; type stringFull carrier description
- carrier_logo type stringUrl of the carrier logo
- carrier_options - optional; type carrierOptionsType
- saturday - optional; type boolean
- return - optional; type boolean
- insurance - optional; type boolean
- paperless - optional; type boolean
- dangerous - optional; type boolean
- pallet - optional; type boolean
- ondemand - optional; type boolean
Carrier specific options - price type decimalPrice, VAT not included. This should be the sum of the base price and the surcharges
- base_price - optional; type decimalBase price
- fuel - optional; type decimal
- security - optional; type decimal
- ecotax - optional; type decimal
- remote - optional; type decimal
- insurance - optional; type decimal
- misc - optional; type decimal
- vat - optional; type decimal
Carrier quotes - selection - optional; type arrayOfQuotes - array of type quoteType
- service type enumServiceType - type string with restriction - enum { 'express', 'expresspro', 'postal', 'relay', 'standard', 'international', 'internationaleco' }
- service_name type string
- carrier type enumCarrierType - type string with restriction - enum { 'amazon_one_day', 'b2c_europe', 'chronopost', 'chronopost18', 'chronopostinternational', 'chronopostpro', 'chronopostpro_18', 'chronopost_2shop', 'chronopost_air_classic', 'chronopost_classic', 'chronopost_express', 'chronopost_medical', 'chronopost_retour', 'chronorelais', 'chronorelais_18', 'ciblex', 'coliposte', 'colisprive', 'colisprive_relais', 'colisprive_signature', 'colisprive_store', 'colisprive_store_relais', 'colisprive_store_signature', 'colissimo_access', 'colissimo_dom', 'colissimo_eco', 'colissimo_expert', 'colissimo_inter', 'colissimo_profil', 'colissimo_relais', 'colissimo_retour', 'dachser_targoflex', 'delivengo_non_suivi', 'delivengo_suivi', 'dhl', 'dhl_eco', 'dhl_express_12', 'dhl_express_9', 'dhl_france', 'dhl_global_mail', 'dhl_global_mail_registered', 'dhl_paket', 'dhl_spain', 'dpd', 'dpd_b2b', 'dpd_b2b_mono', 'dpd_relay', 'fedex', 'fedexeco', 'fedexeco_freight_mono', 'fedexeco_freight_multi', 'fedex_ficp', 'fedex_france', 'fedex_freight_mono', 'fedex_freight_multi', 'france_express', 'france_express_b2b', 'geodis', 'gls', 'gls_b2b', 'imx', 'kiala', 'kuehne', 'lettre_max', 'lettre_max_yourstore', 'lettre_verte_suivie', 'mondialrelay', 'mondialrelay_home', 'mondialrelay_locker', 'mondialrelay_relay', 'mondialrelay_xl', 'relaiscolis', 'relaiscolis_c2c', 'sda', 'sda_cod', 'tnt_express', 'tnt_express_b2b', 'ups_economy_mono_relay', 'ups_economy_multi_relay', 'ups_economy_relay', 'ups_express', 'ups_express_relay', 'ups_express_saver', 'ups_express_saver_relay', 'ups_standard', 'ups_standard_mono', 'ups_standard_mono_relay', 'ups_standard_multi', 'ups_standard_multi_relay', 'ups_standard_relay', 'standard', 'express', 'relay', 'international', 'internationaleco', 'expresspro', 'best_price' }
- carrier_name type stringFull carrier name
- carrier_description - optional; type stringFull carrier description
- carrier_logo type stringUrl of the carrier logo
- carrier_options - optional; type carrierOptionsType
- saturday - optional; type boolean
- return - optional; type boolean
- insurance - optional; type boolean
- paperless - optional; type boolean
- dangerous - optional; type boolean
- pallet - optional; type boolean
- ondemand - optional; type boolean
Carrier specific options - price type decimalPrice, VAT not included. This should be the sum of the base price and the surcharges
- base_price - optional; type decimalBase price
- fuel - optional; type decimal
- security - optional; type decimal
- ecotax - optional; type decimal
- remote - optional; type decimal
- insurance - optional; type decimal
- misc - optional; type decimal
- vat - optional; type decimal
Quote selection (best price by service type) - best_price - optional; type quoteTypeCheapest shipping method
- service type enumServiceType - type string with restriction - enum { 'express', 'expresspro', 'postal', 'relay', 'standard', 'international', 'internationaleco' }
- service_name type string
- carrier type enumCarrierType - type string with restriction - enum { 'amazon_one_day', 'b2c_europe', 'chronopost', 'chronopost18', 'chronopostinternational', 'chronopostpro', 'chronopostpro_18', 'chronopost_2shop', 'chronopost_air_classic', 'chronopost_classic', 'chronopost_express', 'chronopost_medical', 'chronopost_retour', 'chronorelais', 'chronorelais_18', 'ciblex', 'coliposte', 'colisprive', 'colisprive_relais', 'colisprive_signature', 'colisprive_store', 'colisprive_store_relais', 'colisprive_store_signature', 'colissimo_access', 'colissimo_dom', 'colissimo_eco', 'colissimo_expert', 'colissimo_inter', 'colissimo_profil', 'colissimo_relais', 'colissimo_retour', 'dachser_targoflex', 'delivengo_non_suivi', 'delivengo_suivi', 'dhl', 'dhl_eco', 'dhl_express_12', 'dhl_express_9', 'dhl_france', 'dhl_global_mail', 'dhl_global_mail_registered', 'dhl_paket', 'dhl_spain', 'dpd', 'dpd_b2b', 'dpd_b2b_mono', 'dpd_relay', 'fedex', 'fedexeco', 'fedexeco_freight_mono', 'fedexeco_freight_multi', 'fedex_ficp', 'fedex_france', 'fedex_freight_mono', 'fedex_freight_multi', 'france_express', 'france_express_b2b', 'geodis', 'gls', 'gls_b2b', 'imx', 'kiala', 'kuehne', 'lettre_max', 'lettre_max_yourstore', 'lettre_verte_suivie', 'mondialrelay', 'mondialrelay_home', 'mondialrelay_locker', 'mondialrelay_relay', 'mondialrelay_xl', 'relaiscolis', 'relaiscolis_c2c', 'sda', 'sda_cod', 'tnt_express', 'tnt_express_b2b', 'ups_economy_mono_relay', 'ups_economy_multi_relay', 'ups_economy_relay', 'ups_express', 'ups_express_relay', 'ups_express_saver', 'ups_express_saver_relay', 'ups_standard', 'ups_standard_mono', 'ups_standard_mono_relay', 'ups_standard_multi', 'ups_standard_multi_relay', 'ups_standard_relay', 'standard', 'express', 'relay', 'international', 'internationaleco', 'expresspro', 'best_price' }
- carrier_name type stringFull carrier name
- carrier_description - optional; type stringFull carrier description
- carrier_logo type stringUrl of the carrier logo
- carrier_options - optional; type carrierOptionsType
- saturday - optional; type boolean
- return - optional; type boolean
- insurance - optional; type boolean
- paperless - optional; type boolean
- dangerous - optional; type boolean
- pallet - optional; type boolean
- ondemand - optional; type boolean
Carrier specific options - price type decimalPrice, VAT not included. This should be the sum of the base price and the surcharges
- base_price - optional; type decimalBase price
- fuel - optional; type decimal
- security - optional; type decimal
- ecotax - optional; type decimal
- remote - optional; type decimal
- insurance - optional; type decimal
- misc - optional; type decimal
- vat - optional; type decimal
- getRelayDescription:Get a relay by idInput:getRelayIn (s:body, use = encoded)login type loginType
- api_account type string
- api_key type string
params type getRelayRequest- carrier type enumCarrierType - type string with restriction - enum { 'amazon_one_day', 'b2c_europe', 'chronopost', 'chronopost18', 'chronopostinternational', 'chronopostpro', 'chronopostpro_18', 'chronopost_2shop', 'chronopost_air_classic', 'chronopost_classic', 'chronopost_express', 'chronopost_medical', 'chronopost_retour', 'chronorelais', 'chronorelais_18', 'ciblex', 'coliposte', 'colisprive', 'colisprive_relais', 'colisprive_signature', 'colisprive_store', 'colisprive_store_relais', 'colisprive_store_signature', 'colissimo_access', 'colissimo_dom', 'colissimo_eco', 'colissimo_expert', 'colissimo_inter', 'colissimo_profil', 'colissimo_relais', 'colissimo_retour', 'dachser_targoflex', 'delivengo_non_suivi', 'delivengo_suivi', 'dhl', 'dhl_eco', 'dhl_express_12', 'dhl_express_9', 'dhl_france', 'dhl_global_mail', 'dhl_global_mail_registered', 'dhl_paket', 'dhl_spain', 'dpd', 'dpd_b2b', 'dpd_b2b_mono', 'dpd_relay', 'fedex', 'fedexeco', 'fedexeco_freight_mono', 'fedexeco_freight_multi', 'fedex_ficp', 'fedex_france', 'fedex_freight_mono', 'fedex_freight_multi', 'france_express', 'france_express_b2b', 'geodis', 'gls', 'gls_b2b', 'imx', 'kiala', 'kuehne', 'lettre_max', 'lettre_max_yourstore', 'lettre_verte_suivie', 'mondialrelay', 'mondialrelay_home', 'mondialrelay_locker', 'mondialrelay_relay', 'mondialrelay_xl', 'relaiscolis', 'relaiscolis_c2c', 'sda', 'sda_cod', 'tnt_express', 'tnt_express_b2b', 'ups_economy_mono_relay', 'ups_economy_multi_relay', 'ups_economy_relay', 'ups_express', 'ups_express_relay', 'ups_express_saver', 'ups_express_saver_relay', 'ups_standard', 'ups_standard_mono', 'ups_standard_mono_relay', 'ups_standard_multi', 'ups_standard_multi_relay', 'ups_standard_relay', 'standard', 'express', 'relay', 'international', 'internationaleco', 'expresspro', 'best_price' }
- country - optional; type string
- relay_id type string
Output:getRelayOut (s:body, use = encoded)error type errorType- error_id type intError id, 0 means everything went right, > 0 means an error occurred
- error_message type string
- error_description - optional; type stringAdditional optional description
- error_severity_level type intReserved for future use
- error_severity_message type stringReserved for future use
response type getRelayResponse- relay - optional; type relayType
- carrier type enumCarrierType - type string with restriction - enum { 'amazon_one_day', 'b2c_europe', 'chronopost', 'chronopost18', 'chronopostinternational', 'chronopostpro', 'chronopostpro_18', 'chronopost_2shop', 'chronopost_air_classic', 'chronopost_classic', 'chronopost_express', 'chronopost_medical', 'chronopost_retour', 'chronorelais', 'chronorelais_18', 'ciblex', 'coliposte', 'colisprive', 'colisprive_relais', 'colisprive_signature', 'colisprive_store', 'colisprive_store_relais', 'colisprive_store_signature', 'colissimo_access', 'colissimo_dom', 'colissimo_eco', 'colissimo_expert', 'colissimo_inter', 'colissimo_profil', 'colissimo_relais', 'colissimo_retour', 'dachser_targoflex', 'delivengo_non_suivi', 'delivengo_suivi', 'dhl', 'dhl_eco', 'dhl_express_12', 'dhl_express_9', 'dhl_france', 'dhl_global_mail', 'dhl_global_mail_registered', 'dhl_paket', 'dhl_spain', 'dpd', 'dpd_b2b', 'dpd_b2b_mono', 'dpd_relay', 'fedex', 'fedexeco', 'fedexeco_freight_mono', 'fedexeco_freight_multi', 'fedex_ficp', 'fedex_france', 'fedex_freight_mono', 'fedex_freight_multi', 'france_express', 'france_express_b2b', 'geodis', 'gls', 'gls_b2b', 'imx', 'kiala', 'kuehne', 'lettre_max', 'lettre_max_yourstore', 'lettre_verte_suivie', 'mondialrelay', 'mondialrelay_home', 'mondialrelay_locker', 'mondialrelay_relay', 'mondialrelay_xl', 'relaiscolis', 'relaiscolis_c2c', 'sda', 'sda_cod', 'tnt_express', 'tnt_express_b2b', 'ups_economy_mono_relay', 'ups_economy_multi_relay', 'ups_economy_relay', 'ups_express', 'ups_express_relay', 'ups_express_saver', 'ups_express_saver_relay', 'ups_standard', 'ups_standard_mono', 'ups_standard_mono_relay', 'ups_standard_multi', 'ups_standard_multi_relay', 'ups_standard_relay', 'standard', 'express', 'relay', 'international', 'internationaleco', 'expresspro', 'best_price' }
- relay_id type string
- name type string
- address1 type string
- address2 - optional; type string
- address3 - optional; type string
- postcode type string
- city type string
- country type string2-letter country ISO code
- latitude type decimal
- longitude type decimal
- picture - optional; type stringUrl of the relay picture
- openingHours type arrayOfOpeningHours - array of type openingHoursType
- day type intDay of week, 1 is for Monday, 2 for Tuesday, etc
- hours type stringOpening hours as string, eg: 09:00-12:00 14:00-18:00
- day type int
- getShipmentDescription:Get ShipmentInput:getShipmentIn (s:body, use = encoded)login type extendedLoginType
- api_account type string
- api_key type string
params type getShipmentRequest- orderid - optional; type string
- trackingnumber - optional; type string
Output:getShipmentOut (s:body, use = encoded)error type errorType- error_id type intError id, 0 means everything went right, > 0 means an error occurred
- error_message type string
- error_description - optional; type stringAdditional optional description
- error_severity_level type intReserved for future use
- error_severity_message type stringReserved for future use
response type shipmentType- service type enumServiceType - type string with restriction - enum { 'express', 'expresspro', 'postal', 'relay', 'standard', 'international', 'internationaleco' }
- service_name type string
- carrier type enumCarrierType - type string with restriction - enum { 'amazon_one_day', 'b2c_europe', 'chronopost', 'chronopost18', 'chronopostinternational', 'chronopostpro', 'chronopostpro_18', 'chronopost_2shop', 'chronopost_air_classic', 'chronopost_classic', 'chronopost_express', 'chronopost_medical', 'chronopost_retour', 'chronorelais', 'chronorelais_18', 'ciblex', 'coliposte', 'colisprive', 'colisprive_relais', 'colisprive_signature', 'colisprive_store', 'colisprive_store_relais', 'colisprive_store_signature', 'colissimo_access', 'colissimo_dom', 'colissimo_eco', 'colissimo_expert', 'colissimo_inter', 'colissimo_profil', 'colissimo_relais', 'colissimo_retour', 'dachser_targoflex', 'delivengo_non_suivi', 'delivengo_suivi', 'dhl', 'dhl_eco', 'dhl_express_12', 'dhl_express_9', 'dhl_france', 'dhl_global_mail', 'dhl_global_mail_registered', 'dhl_paket', 'dhl_spain', 'dpd', 'dpd_b2b', 'dpd_b2b_mono', 'dpd_relay', 'fedex', 'fedexeco', 'fedexeco_freight_mono', 'fedexeco_freight_multi', 'fedex_ficp', 'fedex_france', 'fedex_freight_mono', 'fedex_freight_multi', 'france_express', 'france_express_b2b', 'geodis', 'gls', 'gls_b2b', 'imx', 'kiala', 'kuehne', 'lettre_max', 'lettre_max_yourstore', 'lettre_verte_suivie', 'mondialrelay', 'mondialrelay_home', 'mondialrelay_locker', 'mondialrelay_relay', 'mondialrelay_xl', 'relaiscolis', 'relaiscolis_c2c', 'sda', 'sda_cod', 'tnt_express', 'tnt_express_b2b', 'ups_economy_mono_relay', 'ups_economy_multi_relay', 'ups_economy_relay', 'ups_express', 'ups_express_relay', 'ups_express_saver', 'ups_express_saver_relay', 'ups_standard', 'ups_standard_mono', 'ups_standard_mono_relay', 'ups_standard_multi', 'ups_standard_multi_relay', 'ups_standard_relay', 'standard', 'express', 'relay', 'international', 'internationaleco', 'expresspro', 'best_price' }
- carrier_name type string
- carrier_logo type string
- price type decimalReserved for future use
- reference type string
- receiver_company type string
- receiver_name type string
- receiver_email type string
- receiver_country type string
- receiver_city type string
- receiver_postcode type string
- weight type decimal
- trackingnumber type string
- master type stringMaster tracking number, can be different from the tracking number in case of multiple packages
- tracking_events type arrayOfTrackingEvents - array of type trackingEventType
- status type string
- date type dateTime
- location type string
- code - optional; type stringReserved for future use
- barcodes - optional; type arrayOfBarcodes - array of type string
- pdf type stringUrl of the PDF label
- pdf_contents - optional; type base64BinaryBase64 encoded PDF label contents
- zpl - optional; type stringUrl of the ZPL label
- dpl - optional; type stringUrl of the DPL label
- epl2 - optional; type stringUrl of the EPL2 label
- cn23 - optional; type stringUrl of the CN23 form if applicable
- status type string
- is_shipped - optional; type boolean
- shipped_at - optional; type dateTime
- is_delivered - optional; type boolean
- delivered_at - optional; type dateTime
- created_at type dateTime
- getShipmentsDescription:Get ShipmentsInput:getShipmentsIn (s:body, use = encoded)login type extendedLoginType
- api_account type string
- api_key type string
params type getShipmentsRequest- merge_pdfs - optional; type boolean
- references - optional; type arrayOfStrings - array of type string
- trackings - optional; type arrayOfStrings - array of type string
- limit - optional; type integerMax number of results to return, must be less or equal than 100
Output:getShipmentsOut (s:body, use = encoded)error type errorType- error_id type intError id, 0 means everything went right, > 0 means an error occurred
- error_message type string
- error_description - optional; type stringAdditional optional description
- error_severity_level type intReserved for future use
- error_severity_message type stringReserved for future use
response type getShipmentsResponse- shipments type arrayOfShipments - array of type shipmentType
- service type enumServiceType - type string with restriction - enum { 'express', 'expresspro', 'postal', 'relay', 'standard', 'international', 'internationaleco' }
- service_name type string
- carrier type enumCarrierType - type string with restriction - enum { 'amazon_one_day', 'b2c_europe', 'chronopost', 'chronopost18', 'chronopostinternational', 'chronopostpro', 'chronopostpro_18', 'chronopost_2shop', 'chronopost_air_classic', 'chronopost_classic', 'chronopost_express', 'chronopost_medical', 'chronopost_retour', 'chronorelais', 'chronorelais_18', 'ciblex', 'coliposte', 'colisprive', 'colisprive_relais', 'colisprive_signature', 'colisprive_store', 'colisprive_store_relais', 'colisprive_store_signature', 'colissimo_access', 'colissimo_dom', 'colissimo_eco', 'colissimo_expert', 'colissimo_inter', 'colissimo_profil', 'colissimo_relais', 'colissimo_retour', 'dachser_targoflex', 'delivengo_non_suivi', 'delivengo_suivi', 'dhl', 'dhl_eco', 'dhl_express_12', 'dhl_express_9', 'dhl_france', 'dhl_global_mail', 'dhl_global_mail_registered', 'dhl_paket', 'dhl_spain', 'dpd', 'dpd_b2b', 'dpd_b2b_mono', 'dpd_relay', 'fedex', 'fedexeco', 'fedexeco_freight_mono', 'fedexeco_freight_multi', 'fedex_ficp', 'fedex_france', 'fedex_freight_mono', 'fedex_freight_multi', 'france_express', 'france_express_b2b', 'geodis', 'gls', 'gls_b2b', 'imx', 'kiala', 'kuehne', 'lettre_max', 'lettre_max_yourstore', 'lettre_verte_suivie', 'mondialrelay', 'mondialrelay_home', 'mondialrelay_locker', 'mondialrelay_relay', 'mondialrelay_xl', 'relaiscolis', 'relaiscolis_c2c', 'sda', 'sda_cod', 'tnt_express', 'tnt_express_b2b', 'ups_economy_mono_relay', 'ups_economy_multi_relay', 'ups_economy_relay', 'ups_express', 'ups_express_relay', 'ups_express_saver', 'ups_express_saver_relay', 'ups_standard', 'ups_standard_mono', 'ups_standard_mono_relay', 'ups_standard_multi', 'ups_standard_multi_relay', 'ups_standard_relay', 'standard', 'express', 'relay', 'international', 'internationaleco', 'expresspro', 'best_price' }
- carrier_name type string
- carrier_logo type string
- price type decimalReserved for future use
- reference type string
- receiver_company type string
- receiver_name type string
- receiver_email type string
- receiver_country type string
- receiver_city type string
- receiver_postcode type string
- weight type decimal
- trackingnumber type string
- master type stringMaster tracking number, can be different from the tracking number in case of multiple packages
- tracking_events type arrayOfTrackingEvents - array of type trackingEventType
- status type string
- date type dateTime
- location type string
- code - optional; type stringReserved for future use
- barcodes - optional; type arrayOfBarcodes - array of type string
- pdf type stringUrl of the PDF label
- pdf_contents - optional; type base64BinaryBase64 encoded PDF label contents
- zpl - optional; type stringUrl of the ZPL label
- dpl - optional; type stringUrl of the DPL label
- epl2 - optional; type stringUrl of the EPL2 label
- cn23 - optional; type stringUrl of the CN23 form if applicable
- status type string
- is_shipped - optional; type boolean
- shipped_at - optional; type dateTime
- is_delivered - optional; type boolean
- delivered_at - optional; type dateTime
- created_at type dateTime
- pdf - optional; type stringMerged pdf for the resulting shipments